Post-smolt maturation in Atlantic salmon males

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Post-smolt maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) males is a challenge in the aquaculture industry as premature maturation can cause aggression, health issues and a poorer fillet quality.
The purpose of this trial is to validate and improve the protocol for post-smolt male maturation developed by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and to study genetic maturation markers in post-smolt males and the effect of temperature.

In this trial, two temperature regimes will be be tested in duplicate tanks in order to test the effect on post smolt male maturation. The fish are particularly observed with regards to any negative welfare due to an all male fish environment in the tanks.

Results from this experiment will improve the protocol for post-smolt maturation, and yield new knowledge about genetic maturation markers in male salmon, and the effects of temperature.

The trial starts with eyed salmon eggs. After hatching and start-feeding the fish will be divided into two groups with different temperature regimes. At 50 grams, approximately 1000 male Atlantic salmon will be used for further study

The number of fish is kept as low as possible, but with enough individuals to end up with all males for the experimental sampling. Fish with major injuries will be euthanized (overdose). The same applies if the fish shows signs of dissatisfaction in the form of apathy, darkening and loss of equilibrium. All handling is done by trained personnel. The fish will be subjected to changes in the temperature, and there will be continuous monitoring of the water quality.