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Studying the impact of pathogens on spawning behavior of Atlantic salmon and sea trout

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1 Formål
Little is known about the diversity and distribution of salmonid pathogens and their impacts on individual performance. In Norway, this knowledge is essential to understanding ecosystem dynamics given that terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments are linked by migratory salmonids. A changing seascape due to anthropogenic activity and climate change means that
host-pathogen dynamics are likely to shift, necessitating an understanding of these processes for both fundamental and applied science. Presently, this knowledge is lacking in Norway. The PACE project will implement state of the art tools in fish biopsy and tracking to model the diversity and
distribution of viruses, bacteria, and parasites of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta) along a latitudinal gradient in Norway and evaluate how these affect performance.

2 Skadevirkninger
The methods used are standard telemetry tagging of salmon with large individuals and relatively to fish size small tags. According to early studies using this technology the animal will be minimally impacted after recovery and will quickly return to normal behavior.

3 Forventet nytteverdi
The outcome will be a new and ground-breaking understanding of the impacts of different pathogens on salmonid hosts in terms of their marine migratory behaviour and survival. This knowledge will facilitate a comprehension of how a changing climate and changes in the distribution of farmed fish in Norway could have the potential to negatively impact the biology of wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout.

4 Antall dyr og art
We will tag in total 520 salmonids (200 salmon and 320 trout) over period of two years starting from august 2020 to july 2022.

5 Hvordan etterleve 3R
Replacement is not possible because of the research question requires in situ observations of animals. Reduction will be ensured by maximizing the information from each individual and using previous studies using this method minimize the animals used in the study. Refinement will be ensured by working closely together across groups to shear knowledge about how to refine the tagging methods to maximize animal welfare.