Determination of the 96 hour Acute toxicity of Triazolone to zebra fish (Danio rerio)
The acute toxicity of Triazolone to fish is required for the regulatory application of REACH for the European Chemicals Agency. The test is part of the base set requirements (i.e., algae, invertebrates and fish) for determining the potential effects of the chemical in the environment. The test is designed to determine the lethal concentration which kills 50% of the population (LC50). However, to avoid unnecessary suffering or stress, the concentration tested will be based on the most sensitive organism from the base set tests (i.e. algae or invertebrate) and will not be expected to cause any adverse effects since algae and invertebrates tend to be more sensitive than fish. Therefore, only 1 test concentration will be used with a control to reduce the number of fish used and only 7 fish per concentration. Therefore a total of 14 fish will be used for the test.