Breeding of NSG mice

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The object of this application is to breed this strain for cancer research purposes. The mice will be assigned to different experiments when they are 6 weeks old.
We plan to breed 1000 animals. The number of animals is predicted use by our group and collaborating groups using this strain.
NSG mice are the only animals which will successfully engraft a manner of human cell lines and patient material, essential to development of therapeutics.The only in vitro alternative is the use of cell lines and primary patient material in culture. However , these results do not always translate into efficacy in intact biological entities.In addition, we can not using cell culture studies evaluate systemic toxic or efficacy effects, thus the use of animal models is unavoidable.
We'll try to reduce the number of animals by using an optimum number of breeding pairs.
We would like to apply for breeding another 1000 NSG mice due to increased number of experiments in our lab and also other groups.