A mark-recapture estimate of minke whales through DNA analysis
The Institute of Marine Research requires an abundance estimate for the purpose of managing the North Atlantic minke whale stock under the Revised Management Procedure of the International Whaling Commission. The estimate will be determined through a biopsy sampling program wherein 300 minke whales will be sampled for DNA and tracked through a DNA registry for the minke whale harvest. An abundance estimate of the larger population will then be made through a mark-recapture analysis. The DNA will be collected with biopsy darts to collect a small skin sample (1 cm in diameter and 3-5 cm in length). Disturbance to the animals will be brief and harm will be minimal with quick healing expected. We adhere to the 3 R’s by using the minimum sample size necessary to achieve our statistical result, while employing the best modern technology to reduce harm and improve the efficiency of the procedure.