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Training in neuroscience procedures

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1 Purpose
The surgical methods used in the field of neuroscience to study the basis of memory, are technically challenging. People need to get some experience and develop a good hands-on technique before these methods can be used in research projects. The purpose is to make it possible for untrained persons to get the necessary experience and develop skills with the setup and the methods.

2 Distress
Most of the procedures will be done as non-recovery procedures, meaning that they take place under general anesthesia and the animals will be humanely euthanized while still anesthetized. For cases where the surgery has been successful, we will let the animal recover. Even with proper pain medication, these animals may experience some discomfort during the first post-surgical phase.

3 Expected benefit
The benefit is that our researchers are competent in the methods and techniques and capable of doing research projects that involve these methods, without a high burden on the animals

4 Number of animals, and what kind
We are applying to use 300 mice and 300 rats for the purpose of training people in the procedures, during the time frame where the application is valid. This is a rough estimate, and will depend on how many people that will need the training during this time frame.

5 How to adhere to 3R
Replacement: People can do some initial learning by reading protocols, watching videos and observing people with competence doing the surgeries. Also, people can learn how to make surgical stitches without using animals. But to learn how to do the surgeries successfully, it will be necessary to practice on live, anesthetized animals.
Reduction: The training will be done under the supervision of qualified instructors to make sure that people can learn as much as possible from the animals they are using. This will contribute to avoiding using a high number of animals.
Refinement: Before the surgeries, animals will live in social groups in cages with enrichment so that they can perform their natural behaviors. The surgeries will be done when the animals are under anesthesia, and we will give several types of pain medication that will be effective during the procedure. Most of the animals will be humanely killed while they are still anesthetized to avoid discomfort after the surgery. Only if the surgery has been successful and without complications, we may let the animal recover from the surgery. For animals that wake up after the surgery, we will provide post-operative care with different types of food and treats, and continued pain medication during the first days after the surgery.