Protocol on water and health

Protocol on water and health aims to protect people's health and well-being by better water management, including the protection of water and ecosystems, and by preventing, controlling and reducing water-related diseases. 


Norway ratified the Protocol on January 6, 2004, and is thus obliged to follow this. The implementation of the Protocol on water and health requires that measure of the areas defined in point 2 (a) to (n) of article 6 of the Protocol must be set.

National targets for Norway were set by the Government may 22, 2014. After this Ministry of Health and Care Services has prepared an implementation plan for the period 2014-2018 of their sector responsibilities within the national targets, hence what the Food Safety Authority and The Public Health Institute shall do.

Other relevant ministries must make corresponding plans and system for recording of progress on their sites. Norwegian Food Safety Authority have the task to make compilation of all departmental sites, so that the Ministry of Health and Care Services as the responsible Ministry for the Protocol can report to the WHO/UNEC. Reporting for 2016 is done.

Protocol on water and health (PDF)

Meetings and activities done internationally in relation to the Protocol