Tough requirements for the import of stray cats and dogs

In practice, it is not possible to bring street dogs and street cats to Norway. The exception is if you have lived with the animal for six months before traveling here.


If you arrive in Norway with a former stray cat/dog, you must be prepared to document evidence that the cat/dog has been in your ownership and under your control for at least 6 months before entering Norway.

Stray cats/dogs are no longer considered as trade animals, which means that you can no longer use the rules for commercial import to fetch stray dogs from abroad.

The requirements do not include

  • Dogs/cats living in Norway, returning after staying abroad

  • Purchase of pedigree dogs/cats or working dogs from kennels in or outside the EU. These dogs/ cats can be imported if accompanied by documentation showing that they are not stray dogs/ cats. Such documentation could e.g. be a pedigree certificate.

  • Norwegian dogs/cats that are accompanied by a pet passport issued by a veterinarian in Norway.

  • Previously imported stray dogs/cats will not be affected when brought back into Norway from abroad, provided there is documentary evidence that the dog/ cat was imported into Norway legally.

What is a stray dog?

Stray dog is a term that covers several kinds of dog, including:

  • Dogs from shelters
  • Ownerless dogs
  • Dogs with an unknown background

Risk of introducing diseases

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has been commissioned by the Norwegian parliament to stop the import of stray cats/dogs into Norway.

The import of stray cats/dogs involves a considerable risk of introducing diseases into Norway. It is impossible to give satisfactory health guarantees for these animals.

The import has continued in spite of repeated warnings from many professional bodies over several years. The authorities are now putting a stop to this and limiting imports.